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Mrs. Harpring's 3 Year Old Preschool Class
Week of September 26, 2019
Important Dates
September 2, 2019 Labor Day - No School
September 11, 2019 Early Release Day
The preschool class will release at 2:40 p.m. and K-8 will release at 2:50 p.m.
October 2, 2019 Wendel Farm Field Trip
You MUST have completed Safe and Sacred online before attending the trip. This can be accessed through the school website. You will also need to have your driver's license and proof of insurance on file with Mrs. Gramman.
We will be praying daily and learning about Mass. Eventually, our 3 year old class will be attending Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:35 a.m.
Physical Education
Our class will have gym class on Fridays. Please send your child to school in tennis shoes on Fridays.
Weekly Theme - All About Me
We will be learning about ourselves, self esteem, feelings and emotions. We will continue working on gross motor and fine motor skills. We will be working on learning letters, numbers, colors, and shapes on a continual basis. Our letter of the week is the letter B.
**Please put your child's name on the outside of backpacks and lunch bags, if you haven't already.
Also, please put your child's name on their snack. This will help make snack time more efficient.
**Please check your child's folder daily.
**Look for information about Class Dojo in your child's folder.